Java 8 Lamda Expression basic example

Java 8 Lamda Expression Basic example
  1. Basic Example:
    () -> System.out.println("Hello, Lambda!");
    • Lambda expression with no parameters, printing a message.
  2. Single Parameter:
    (x) -> x * x;
    • Lambda with a single parameter, returning the square.
  3. Multiple Parameters:
    (a, b) -> a + b;
    • Lambda with multiple parameters, returning their sum.
  4. Functional Interface:
    Comparator<String> comparator = (s1, s2) -> s1.compareTo(s2);
    • Lambda for a Comparator functional interface to compare strings.
  5. ForEach in List:
    List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
    numbers.forEach(n -> System.out.println(n));
    • Using lambda with forEach for a list.
  6. Filter in Stream:
    List<Integer> evens = -> n % 2 == 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
    • Lambda used in stream API to filter even numbers.
  7. Map in Stream:
    List<Integer> squared = -> n * n).collect(Collectors.toList());
    • Lambda in stream API to map each element to its square.
  8. Reduce in Stream:
    int sum =, (a, b) -> a + b);
    • Lambda used in stream API for reduction.
  9. Predicate Interface:
    Predicate<String> isLong = s -> s.length() > 10;
    • Lambda with Predicate for checking string length.
  10. Function Interface:
Function<Integer, Integer> square = x -> x * x;
  • Lambda with Function interface for squaring.
  1. Supplier Interface:
Supplier<String> helloSupplier = () -> "Hello, Supplier!";
  • Lambda with Supplier interface for supplying a constant value.
  1. Consumer Interface:
Consumer<String> printUpperCase = s -> System.out.println(s.toUpperCase());
  • Lambda with Consumer interface to print uppercase.
  1. Method Reference:
List<String> words = Arrays.asList("apple", "orange", "banana");
  • Using method reference to print each element.
  1. Constructor Reference:
Supplier<List<String>> listSupplier = ArrayList::new;
  • Creating an ArrayList using constructor reference.
  1. Runnable Interface:
Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("Running!");
  • Lambda for the Runnable interface.
  1. Combining Predicates:
Predicate<String> isLongAndStartsWithA = isLong.and(s -> s.startsWith("A"));
  • Combining two predicates using and.
  1. Optional:
Optional<String> result = Optional.of("Hello, Optional!");
result.ifPresent(s -> System.out.println(s));
  • Using lambda with Optional.
  1. Exception Handling:
IntSupplier divideByZero = () -> 10 / 0; // Throws ArithmeticException
  • Example of unchecked exception handling.
  1. BiFunction:
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> add = (a, b) -> a + b;
  • Lambda with BiFunction for addition.
  1. Custom Functional Interface:
MyFunctionalInterface concat = (a, b) -> a + b;
  • Using a custom functional interface for string concatenation.